Sunday, November 11, 2007

32 Weeks - time to start getting ready!

We are officially in the third trimester! Sean and Marisa are starting to get excited and nervous for Tomato's arrival. No more procrastination about fixing up the baby's room....

Sean building the new computer desk for the nursery/office:

Marisa resting on the couch... watching Sean work can be quite exhausting! Though, so is trying to get up off the couch! :)

We also went to Babies R' Us this weekend to look at furniture and other stuff for the little guy. We spent about 45 minutes test driving the strollers before deciding that we liked the first one we looked at the best. It was fun but exhausting so we also tested out some rocking chairs while we were there.

We have a doctor's appointment on Thursday so we'll post more then.

Enjoy your Sunday!
M, S, and Baby

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi everybody!
Love this blog!Feel so close to you all! You all look great ( especially the chines pregnant...what unfair competition..)Marisa,love that belly..what a presence little boy has! Keep it up , hope to hear news soon.