Friday, December 4, 2009

Owen Egg

OK, Sean and I had a long laugh over this so we felt we should share:

For months, as Owen's mastery of receptive language has grown, we've started spelling words when we don't want him to understand something. We've learned that he has supersonic ears so whispering the secret word didn't seem to work.

So, this morning, when Owen was done with his cereal and asked for more, I said, "would you like something else?" Sean looked over at me and said, "I could make an E-G-G". Owen looked up from his bowl and said, "Owen egg."

Next, we're going to have to start writing each other notes when we don't want Owen to hear something. That should work until he learns to read!


A. Block said...

Smart kid!!!

Yolande said...

How about spelling "en francais", until he gets that too? We also need a list of laundry-related French words (big laugh)!

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